Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kathy's 70th Birthday and Christmas Bash

Happy Holidays to all Family and Friends,

Spent a good deal of time with mom on her birthday (December 24th) and mixed it in with a combination Christmas Party, as well.  Aegis had a nice acknowledgment for mom's birthday, although I am not sure she gave a damn about it.  Mom wanted me to thank Kris for the wonderful pull-over and lipstick.  Also, she wanted to than Margaret, Barbara Bale and Marilyn Fenneman for thinking of her over the Holidays.  As is usual, mom was entirely more interested in the Tasty Cakes that we brought over rather than all the presents that she received.  Mom took in a good assortment of needed items; sox, shirts, hat, pajamas etc.  That is what it is coming down to needed items for mom.

 As an Eastern Sage once coined:

"Take not gain or loss to Heart.  What man holds high comes to nothing at the End"   .

We truly only need what keeps us safe, warm and well fed.  The rest we make up to pass the time.

As 2012 comes to an end shortly and we all look forward to a prosperous New Year, if you are following this blog learn from Jim and I and make sure you spend as much time as possible with those that you love and cherish as long as you have them.  As the constant 'live here and live there' guy, I am regretful that I did not spend more time with my mother when she could remember me being there.   Happy Holidays to you all.

Be well,

Bill and Jim

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hot Rod Kathy and Margaret and Jerry

Hello all,

Margaret and Jerry stopped in to visit with mom.  Jeannette and I joined them all on the back patio at Aegis.  The visit was nice and Margaret brought a picture album from the 1940's and 50's and mom was identifying people from way back then.
Again we went for a long walk and mom ate my share of the apple sauce cake that Jerry made for us.  Again, we had wonderful weather for a visit.  

Update;  This week, I also took mom to the Dr. for her 4 month check up.  All her vitals were better than mine.  The Dr. lowered her medicine for the second straight visit.  She still is diagnosed with Alzheimers so not much has changed.  

Happy Holidays....

Thanksgiving with Kathy

This is a belated Thanksgiving from Kathy.  Maria, Jim and Jackson traveled down and spent the day celebrating Thanksgiving with Kathy.  We brought in Barbeque (it was actually the Friday following Thanksgiving) and we assumed mom was stuffed with Turkey.  Or maybe we just like BBQ better.
We went for a nice walk and the weather was wonderful.  Jackson found a cool tree to climb in front of one of mom's neighbor's.

Mom Wishes all her friends and family a joyous and safe Holiday Season.