Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hi to all,
Sorry for not posting in a number of weeks.  We have been hoping to have some good news to tell and brush aside the difficulties we have been running up against the past few weeks.  Jim and I have never wished to alter the truth or give false information about mom's day to day conditions.  Her transition has hit a second roadblock, as she confiscated a wrench from one of the maintenance men at Aegis and threatened to hit somebody over the head.  Although, I don't think any of us believe mom would ever hit anybody,  Aegis has to cover itself.   Mom is presently in a Psychiatric Facility under the direct care of a Psychiatrist at Northridge Hospital (just a few blocks from or house) and has been there since Wednesday April 25th.  Jeannette and I visit her daily during visiting hours (posted picture is Friday night).  The most dificult task at hand is getting mom to settle down.  She continually wants to be on the move, to where she has no direction nor destination.  This is the main goal of the Doctor.   A quick example, when Jim drove mom down to our house in Los Angeles last month with mom, all she could do was talk about being with us at the house.  Once she arrived (driving over six hours) all she wanted to do was leave.  
Back to the present, on my visit yesterday (Saturday) the staff informed me that mom would be there for a while, that her physician put a 14-day evaluation hold on mom.  I have been assured that this does not mean she will be there for 14 days but that it allows them the time to evaluate.  I will be visiting with her Dr. and a State representative on Tuesday with the goal of getting her out of there as soon as possible. 
Mom and I played a couple of hands of Gin (the card game) today and we walked a bit, as well as, I went through the battery of family and close friend questions.  I try to keep re-addressing with her important facts of her life.  She is having trouble with a number of these and I just try to reaffirm them with her.  Even if she can't answer, I tell her the answer, and then we talk a bit about it.  Of course, she still loves chocolate.    

All the best and lots of love,


Monday, April 16, 2012

Kathy (mom) Update April 16th


We were asked to stay away from mom for a couple of weeks, to assist her in transitioning so no pictures on this update. Mom, on occasion, has been swearing at other patients and staff. These outbursts, according to Aegis, take place within 24 hours of my or Jeannette's visit. They want to give her some time to feel like this is her home (which it is, but mom thinks she is always going home when we show up).

I did take mom to the Doctor last week and everything is good with her physically. We have a Psychiatrist for her and she is monitoring all medications that Aegis is making sure mom takes regularly. Hopefully, we will see some slowing down of the symptoms she is experiencing.

All the best to everybody,


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter to all our friends and family, Wishing you all the greatest of happpy egg hunting and chocolate eating a day as you can have. Low and behold, we found a purpose this morning and spent Easter with mom and all the other folks at Aegis. As usual, upon our arrival, we found mom's room all packed and ready to go. Presumably on some Grand Adventure to untold lands. Jeannette and I, as has come to be expected, began putting everything away and resetting mom's room. We have attached pictures on this post (possibly to another posting because I am having mucho problems with this blogging BS) which illustrates how her room should look as we leave it. And should I remember, I will post pictures of what it looks like on our next visit later this week. Usually quite the contrast. Today began with a bountiful Brunch put on by Aegis and paid for, at least our part, by mom. Thanks Mom. Aegis throws a Brunch every first Sunday of the month and this was it. It was less attended then our first Brunch last month, but there was still a very good showing. Aegis folks even tell us that neighbors attend the brunch (I don't know if I buy that one because it is $16.95 a person). The food, however, is excellent. Turkey (cut from the carcass), Ham and Prime Rib (overcooked) and a great choice of desserts.
Mom identified that 'The Fonz' (aka Henry Winkler) and Sean O'Callahan (Bay Area people only) as being in attendance, as well as, Monsignor Kennedy (again). I am getting to know the Monsignor very well because he is always in a Dodger Hat and we talk a little baseball each visit. At the time of this post the hated Dodgers are 2-0and the Giants are 0-2. Ouch.
After lunch, we set about the facility. Aegis has encouraged us not to take mom outside for a period of time and they reiterated it again; so we stayed inside. Mom enjoyed playing ping pong and attracted the attention of Aegis staff at her ability to play very well. Mom and I played for about 20 minutes I would say. Later we stopped by the movie theater and watched 15 minutes of 'Traffic' and then moved back to mom's room for the remainder of our visit.
We informed mom that Mike Wallace (60 minutes), as did the artist Kinkead passed away. Mom and I reminisced about how much grandma and grandpa Miller loved watching 60 minutes.
Our visit lasted just over 2 hours.... At somepoint, I am going to bring a baseball and two gloves and really scare the staff.....

See ya,


Sunday, April 1, 2012

A little Scrabble.

April Fools Day to Every body.
Mom and I got on a little game of scrabble this afternoon. And as expected, she won. I have posted the Scrabble board to show that she can still put a game together very well. 195 to 154 in her favor. I also put up her San Jose Picture and a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge in her room. You may notice a lack of pictures laying around and that is because everytime you put a picture up, mom quickly shoves it in a bag. We are hoping that this will lighten up or go away over time. Last Wednesday, Jeannette, Chester and I went over and visited with mom after lunch. Mom really enjoys seeing Jeannette and Chester.
I know everybody who is keeping on mom is a grown-up and I don't want to 'sugar coat' a super happy woman. She still remembers and thinks Jim and I 'pulled a fast one' on her. Which in somes ways is absolutely true. However, mom is very safe and this is the number one reason Jim and I made the decisions we did. Mom thinks her parents are alive, that she (mom) is in San Jose and for all of you who are from San Jose she continually introduces us to a gentleman as Monsignor Kennedy (I think the guy might be Jewish), but he does not seem to mind.
The new medications that we started her on and she has been taking fastiduously, thanks to Aegis Staff, have up to a four week improvement schedule. Meaning that she should show better and better signs of improvement up to four weeks and then that is what you get.
The folks at Aegis gave me a book written by their founder and on my next posting I will do a little bit on the folks taking care of mom.
By the way, please feel free to post a note/message/story about mom. You can't possibly want to just read my stuff.
All the best and thanks for keeping an eye of our beloved mother.